Giving vaccinations to your dog for preventing rabies will help make sure that your dog is not exposed to parasites and worms. However, will you be able to identify symptoms of one of the widespread and severe forms of oral cancer in dogs?
The malignant melanoma in canines, revealed in the form of cancerous growth in the canine's mouth, skin, footpad, etc, is a familiar type of malignancy that frequently spread all over the body and defies chemotherapy treatments. If diagnosed of having stage II or III symptoms of oral cancer, your dog may not survive more than six months, when surgical procedure is considered as the only option.

Early identification of oral cancer in dogs is very rare due to the difficulty in looking thoroughly in the inner part of a dog's mouth. Nevertheless, your veterinary doctor can effortlessly identify oral cancer during regular check ups. Secondary symptoms of oral cancer can be observed by keeping a watch on your dogs on indications such as bleeding, swallowing difficulties, teeth loss, bad breath and facial swelling.

Consult your veterinarian immediately in case you observe any of the above symptoms of oral cancer. The doctor will be able to advise you on the way to proceed in identifying the problem. Early diagnosis of oral cancer can help your dogs in fighting the cancerous growth by combining surgical procedures and vaccine based cancer therapy.

Canine melanoma spreads very fast, and, sadly, the current therapies have not been effective. However, 'ONCEPT' is a new method of treatment for oral cancer in dogs. This treatment helps a canine's immune system to identify the incidence of tumor cells and support the dog's own system to combat cancer. When this treatment is combined with surgical procedure for treating oral cancer, more than 50% of the dogs participated in the clinical study become cancer free. Oral cancers should be regarded as malignant and can be terminal for your dog. Get the assistance of a specialist in veterinary oncology for further information on canine melanoma and likely treatments, including 'Oncept'. Regular oral inspection and your alertness can help you spot symptoms of oral cancer in dogs in its early stage.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer in Dogs